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Doug Hall

Doug Hall AM was director of the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art from 1987 to 2007. He was Commissioner for the Australian exhibitions at the Venice Biennales in 2009 and 2011. Returning to Melbourne in 2010, he was later appointed Associate Professor and Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne. He was an inaugural member of the Asia Art Council, Guggenheim Museum, New York, and has served as a board member of the Australian Japan Foundation and the Australia Thailand Institute.


An installation view of works installed on a white wall in a gallery space; there is one very large work at right that depicts a crucified Jesus, with other smaller works at left

Balance 1990: Foreword

A photograph of a performance artist appearing to meditate, covered in mud or clay, next to an installation of tree-like sculptures.

APAP: The birth of the APT

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