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Lure of the Sun
Charles Blackman in Queensland
Nov 2015 - Jan 2016

Charles Blackman's Suite I 1960 / Purchased 1988 with funds from the Russell Cuppaidge Bequest as a memorial to Russell Cuppaidge CBE / © Charles Blackman/Copyright Agency

'Lure of the Sun' featured the work of major Australian artist Charles Blackman and explore his important connections with Queensland artists and writers. On display were the 'Schoolgirl' and 'Flower' series, which were influenced by his Brisbane experiences.

'Lure of the Sun: Charles Blackman in Queensland' was on display in QAG's Gallery 14 from 5 November 2015 to 31 January 2016. In this resource, find out more about works from the QAGOMA Collection featured in the exhibition.

Feature image: Charles Blackman's Suite I 1960 / Purchased 1988 with funds from the Russell Cuppaidge Bequest as a memorial to Russell Cuppaidge CBE / © Charles Blackman/Copyright Agency