LABEL: THANAKUPI Five bottle vases c.1973–76
By Adam Ford
May 2022
Ayala, Peetharr, Gemini twins and date palm, Chara the fireman and Chivaree dancing c.1973–76 illustrate how Thanakupi maintains cultural continuity, using totemic imagery to depict Thaynakwith stories and legends. Each vase has been hand-thrown, hand-painted, and reflects the early training she received during the 1970s, which favoured functional thrown stoneware vessels. The simplified designs also evoke the lessons of her Japanese-born teacher, Shiga Shigeo.
Ayala is the messenger bird, and Peetharr shows Pwi’ dharridha, the Willy Wagtail, who is always looking behind. Gemini twins and date palm sees the young brothers around drimbe (date palm); while Chivaree dancing depicts Chivarri, the Seagull man. The figure of Chara also appears elsewhere in the display.
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Ayala c.1973-76
- THANAKUPI - Creator
Peetharr c.1973-76
- THANAKUPI - Creator
Chara the fireman c.1973-76
- THANAKUPI - Creator
Chivaree dancing c.1973-76
- THANAKUPI - Creator
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