BIO: Shirley Miller
Brisbane, QLD 1930–2021
Shirley Miller studied at the Central Technical College in the early 1950s under Melville Haysom, CG Gibbs and Gwendolyn Grant. She earned a living as a graphic artist, but also sought to develop the expressive potential of her work based on her academic training. In the early 1960s, Miller studied with Margaret Cilento and Roy Churcher, as well as with Mervyn Moriarty (1969–70). Miller was a founding member of the Wednesday Group, a group of Roy Churcher’s female students, who, from mid-1961, sublet the studio at St Mary’s Anglican Church at Kangaroo Point every week on a Wednesday. The Wednesday Group, as they became known, was committed to abstraction, and exhibited at the Moreton Galleries (1966) and the Design Arts Centre (1967, 1969, 1972 and 1978).
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