Amami nioge - moköjöbineb’e, mi’ija’ahe, aréro ajivé, ije bi’weje, DubiDubi’e, nenyai, mwe, sabu deje ohu’o nogé (Cloth of the ancestors – with chest feathers of the red parrot, animal bones, daybreak, boys chopping tree branches, leaves of the Dubi’e plant, women’s woven white shell headband, gardens, spots of the wood-boring grub and rainbows) 2012
- ISAWDI (Fate SAVARI) - Creator
Other works in this medium
Sisira esoe (string bag) c.2009
- OVIRO, Rhoda - Creator
Bunabei (mat) 2018
- MIRIONA, Helen Dusimoi - Creator
Other works from this Department
Lagaki (To lift) (series) 2000-05
- PULE, John - Creator
Mundmong bilum-wear hat 2008-09
- KATA, Cathy - Designer
- ORTEGA, Wendy - Maker
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