Hao Liang
Born 1983, Chengdu, China
Lives and works in Beijing, China
Hao Liang works in ink-and-wash on silk, producing spellbinding portraits, landscapes and scrolls that combine rigorous training in Chinese classical painting with an inquisitive contemporary consciousness. His ambitious, intricately rendered works are complicated panoramas of infused and tinted ink that filter Chinese history through futuristic aesthetics and present-day anxieties. Hao’s landscapes have an epic character, in which rolling mountain ranges and swirling clouds are juxtaposed with visions of outer space and depictions of life in a Chinese metropolis.
'The Chase of Apollo' 2021 manifests a fractured narrative form as a set of poetic episodes, unified as a long, painted scroll and a suite of four intimate ink-on-silk paintings. Drawing on moments of reflection and encounter from across history and culture, particularly accounts of sunset in art, literature and anthropology, the work is a melancholic rumination on the state of China today.
Supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

Hao Liang / China b.1983 / Act IV from ‘The chase of Apollo’ 2021 / Ink on silk / 26.8 x 42cm / Purchased 2021 with funds from Tim Fairfax AC through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery| Gallery of Modern Art / © Hao Liang / Image courtesy: The artist and Vitamin Creative Space