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‘Prism: Light, Colour, Form’
Jun 2024 - Oct 2024

 Judi Elliott / Australia NSW b.1934 / Platter:  ... of how things are 1988 / Slumped, multicoloured glass mosaic / Gift of the Queensland Art Gallery Society 1989 / © QAGOMA

‘Prism: Light, Colour, Form’ considers the universal appeal of glass and its myriad applications, with the title referring both to the medium’s refractive qualities and to the various ‘lenses’ through which this display considers its materiality. 

Acting as windows onto the evolution of glass, the earliest artworks in the exhibition are the Roman-made Flask and Footed dish, both circa 1–500 CE, iridescent vessels that date back to the origins of glassblowing. ‘Prism’ surveys both the rich history of glassmaking and its sophisticated techniques. Of note is the work of artists who have stretched the medium’s conceptual potential, encompassing glassmaking’s effusive and playful turn in recent decades.

‘Prism’ is on display in GOMA’s Foyer Cabinet from 1 June to 20 October 2024.

Feature image: Judi Elliott’s Platter:  ... of how things are 1988 / Slumped, multicoloured glass mosaic / Gift of the Queensland Art Gallery Society 1989 / © QAGOMA

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‘Prism: Light, Colour, Form’