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Exhibition story

A detail view of a hand-coloured photograph of a family having a picnic

‘Suburban Sublime’ explores how artists have used the medium of photography to interpret the Australian suburbs. These images from the Gallery’s Collection provide occasion to pause and reflect on familiar settings, places and people, imbuing them with aesthetic, historical and emotional significance. While rationales for capturing ‘suburbia’ vary, these artworks demonstrate the enduring role of photography in enriching the national understanding of scenes from everyday life — whether homely or uncanny.


‘Suburban Sublime’ is on display from 10 August 2024 to 17 August 2025 to in Gallery 6 of the Henry and Amanda Bartlett Galleries, QAG. 

Feature image: Ruth Maddison / Australia VIC b.1945 / (Untitled 19) (from 'Christmas holiday with Bob's family, Queensland, 1978' series) (detail) 1978–79 / Gelatin silver photograph, hand-coloured on paper / Purchased 1995.  Queensland Art Gallery Foundation / © Ruth Maddison 

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