
Up in the sky 14 1997
- MOFFATT, Tracey - Creator

Up in the sky 1 1997
- MOFFATT, Tracey - Creator

Up in the sky 11 1997
- MOFFATT, Tracey - Creator

Lying objects 1992
- SIMMONS, Laurie - Creator
The Endeavour being careened c.1773
- BYRNE, William - Engraver
- PARKINSON, after Sydney - Painter
Januarius - Februarius c.1600, reproduced c.1880s
- BRIL, after Paul - Artist
- SADELER, Gillis - Printer

The Jews' burying-ground 1670, repro. c.1880s?
- BLOTELING, Abraham - Engraver
- RUISDAEL, after Jacob - Painter

Up in the sky 23 1997
- MOFFATT, Tracey - Creator

Up in the sky 16 1997
- MOFFATT, Tracey - Creator