‘Aunofo Havea Funaki - biography
‘Aunofo Havea Funaki
Born 1972, Vava‘u, Tonga
Lives and works in Vava‘u
Lepamahanga Women’s Group
Established 2016, Tu‘anuku village, Vava‘u
The inhabitants of Tu‘anuku village in Vava‘u, Tonga, are recognised as the custodians of the nation’s largest freshwater ecosystem, which surrounds Ano Lake. Integral to this role is the practice of weaving kutu (Chinese water chestnut, Eleocharis dulcis), through which the slender freshwater reeds are periodically harvested and carefully processed as a fibre for mats and wearable textiles of significant cultural value.
‘Aunofo Havea Funaki was born and raised in Tu‘anuku village. Funaki lead the design and creation of Fala Kuta e Toa ko Tavakefai‘ana 2024, created with the Lepamahanga Women’s Group. For Funaki, this collaboration is the realisation of a longstanding aspiration to support her community to revisit and celebrate the potency of their local stories, resources, knowledge and shared responsibility of custodianship.
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Fala Kuta e Toa Ko Tavakefai'ana 2024
- FUNAKI, ‘Aunofo Havea - Artist
- No Title Available - Collaborating artist