Australian art
The work of Australian artists has been collected by the Queensland Art Gallery since its foundation in 1895. These works date from the colonial period onwards, with rich holdings of paintings and sculptures by Australian expatriate artists living in the United Kingdom and France at the turn of the twentieth century. The Australian art collection tracks developments in the modern movement of the 1950s and 1960s, including abstractions and assemblages and conceptual/post-object art of the late 1960s and 1970s.
The Contemporary Australian Art collection is rich in paintings, major installation, cross-media and moving image works which are central to contemporary art practice. The Collection includes an outstanding group of works by major Queensland artists.
See the Australian Collection display at QAG. The reconfigured spaces capture major historical moments from first contact to colonisation, and exploration to immigration. Bringing the Indigenous and contemporary Australian collections together with the Gallery’s historical holdings, the display emphasises stories about Queensland and Brisbane from the region’s own perspective.
Mansions of the mind 1946
- CANT, James - Creator
Mantle clock 1890s
- HARVEY, L.J. - Creator
Maquette for 'Barter' c.1954
- DADSWELL, Lyndon - Creator
Mary 1924
- HARVEY, L.J. - Creator
Mary Ann Cope 1906
- BLAKEMORE, Rose - Creator
Mask 1956
- GUTH, Erwin - Creator
Mask 1979
- ELENBERG, Joel - Creator
May Day 1986
- McMAHON, Marie - Collaborating artist
- CALLAGHAN, Michael - Collaborating artist
May Day Labour Day 1981
- SPEIRS, Andrew - Creator
Meat Kickboxer 2012
- RINGHOLT, Stuart - Creator
Medallion: Christus accipit crucem 1965
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus ante Pilatum 1943
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus convenit matrem 1957
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus den voatur vestibus 1969
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus deponiturin sepulchrum 1948
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus figiturad crucem 1943
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus iterum cadit 1947
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus prima cadit 1959
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Christus tertio cadit 1966
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Corpus Christi desumitaura cruce 1948
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Crux imponitur Simoni Cyrenensi 1970
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Filiac Jerusalem 1955
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer
Medallion: Vere hic homo filius dei erat 1952
- PINCHES - Medallist
- MESZAROS, Andor - Designer