Proposal for a Vietnamese landscape #3: Link Sao, day manh cong nghiep hoa, cong nghe mang tinh nhan ban (Link Sao, push industrialisation, human technology) 2006
- NGUYEN, Tuan Andrew - Artist
- HA, Phu Nam Thuc - Collaborating artist
- LINK-FISH - Collaborating artist
- YELLOW, Ca Sau - Collaborating artist
- GIL - Collaborating artist
- NGO DONG - Collaborating artist
- HUANG, Jason - Collaborating artist
Other works in this medium

Portrait of Barrett Reid 1947
- NOLAN, Sidney - Creator

The little jetty c.1888
- CONDER, Charles - Creator

Two sisters 2006
- HUGHES, Natalya - Creator
Other works from this Department

Heavy wounds series no.14 1991
- AH XIAN - Creator

Pillar through round table 2004-05
- AI Weiwei - Creator

Glass vehicles 1995
- DONO, Heri - Creator
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