1922 - 2004
Creator details
- Principal country
- Date of birth
- Date of death
(Portrait) c.1980s
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Savouring the win c.1970s
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Outcamp Missus c.1960
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Pike's farm at Haden 1982-87
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Poincianas 1971
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Mermaid as bride 1971
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Ernestine Hill 1970
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Slice of melon 1968
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Norman Behan 1965
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
River idyll 1964
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Nor'west monsoon 1961
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Death in the afternoon 1961
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
The dancer, Ruth Bergner 1960
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
Convict boy 1957
- FULLBROOK, Sam - Creator
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