Pacific Art | Photograph 'Te Waiherehere', Koroniti, Wanganui River, 29 May 1986 1986, printed 1997 ABERHART, Laurence
Pacific Art | Photograph Nature morte (silence), Savage Club, Wanganui, 20 February 1986 1986, printed 1999 ABERHART, Laurence
Pacific Art | Photograph Angel over Whangape Harbour, Northland, 6 May 1982 1982, printed 1991 ABERHART, Laurence
IOANIS, Patsihpa 1963 - present Creator details Principal country Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia Date of birth 1963 Reverse appliqué and urohs dereht (thread skirt) with wehi (turtle) and stingray mwahi (design) with red hibiscus flowers and seir en wahi (fragrant head garland) 2021 IOANIS, Patsihpa - Creator External resources View related library resources Re-use metadata Export creator's object list as JSON