Creator details
- Principal country

Ewer 960-1279 (Song dynasty)
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Bowl 907-1125 (Liao dynasty)
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Horse 618-907 (Tang dynasty)
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Alms bowl 618-906 (Tang dynasty)
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Figure of a goose 20th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Square water barrel 20th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Circular water barrel 20th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Gu form vase 20th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Meiping vase 20th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Incense burner 20th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Hu (jar) 206BC-AD220 (Han dynasty)
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Bowl with four dragons 19th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator

Bowl with goldfish 19th century
- UNKNOWN - Creator
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