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Digital Betacam

Artwork Matinee this artwork made of Digital Betacam and DVD formats: 7:30 minutes, colour, silent, created in 2003-01-01

Matinee 2003

Artwork East Coast, West Coast this artwork made of Digital Betacam (PAL): 22 minutes, black and white, sound, created in 1969-01-01

East Coast, West Coast 1969

Artwork Other this artwork made of DVD transferred to Digital Betacam: 7 minutes, colour, sound, created in 2009-01-01

Other 2009

Artwork has not been digitised or not available due to pending copyright clearence, thus not currently available online

Swamp 1971

Artwork has not been digitised or not available due to pending copyright clearence, thus not currently available online

Lip 1999