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‘The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial’
Dec 2021 - Apr 2022

A work on copper depicting silhouettes of people emerging from bamboo shoots. / Lee Paje / The Philippines b.1980 / The stories that weren’t told (detail) 2019 / Oil on copper mounted on wood / Purchased 2021 with funds from Terry and Mary Peabody and Mary-Jeanne Hutchinson through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: QAGOMA / © Lee Paje

For this landmark tenth iteration, QAGOMA’s Asia Pacific Triennial looked to the future of art and the world we inhabit together — rich with stories of how to navigate through time and space, reimagine histories and explore connections to culture and place.

‘The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’ (APT10) included 69 projects by emerging and established artists and collectives, together comprising more than 150 individuals from 30 countries. Visit the full APT10 exhibition archive.

The list of objects below represents the many works acquired from APT10 for the QAGOMA Collection.

Feature image: Lee Paje / The Philippines b.1980 / The stories that weren’t told (detail) 2019 / Oil on copper mounted on wood / Purchased 2021 with funds from Terry and Mary Peabody and Mary-Jeanne Hutchinson through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: QAGOMA / © Lee Paje

Collection artworks featured in ‘The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial’

Artwork has not been digitised or not available due to pending copyright clearence, thus not currently available online

Errantucation (mist opportunities) 2021

Artwork Flowers this artwork made of Teneriffe needlework: coconut fibre and wire, created in 2021-01-01

Flowers 2021

Artwork Flowers this artwork made of Teneriffe needlework: coconut fibre and wire, created in 2021-01-01

Flowers 2021

Artwork Flowers this artwork made of Teneriffe needlework: coconut fibre and wire, created in 2021-01-01

Flowers 2021

Artwork Flowers this artwork made of Teneriffe needlework: coconut fibre and wire, created in 2021-01-01

Flowers 2021

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APT10: Artists and projects

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An installation view of Shigeo Toya's Woods III 1991-2 installed for APT1 in 1993, with sculpted wooden tree-like structures arranged near the Watermall in QAG.


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