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‘The First Asia Pacific Triennial’
Sep 1993 - Dec 1993

An installation view of Shigeo Toya's Woods III 1991-2 installed for APT1 in 1993, with sculpted wooden tree-like structures arranged near the Watermall in QAG.

'The First Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art' (APT1) was the first project of its kind in the world to focus on the contemporary art of Asia and the Pacific. In undertaking the APT, the Gallery recognised the need for an ongoing series of exhibitions and forums which initiate dialogue on the art of this important geo-political region. The Gallery worked closely with advisors and selectors from Australia and across the region to bring the Triennial to fruition.

APT1 featured nearly 200 works by 76 artists from South-East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam); the East Asia (China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea) and the South Pacific (New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Australia).

FEATURE IMAGE: Shigeo Toya’s Woods III 1991–2 installed in QAG’s Watermall for APT1, 1993 / The Kenneth and Yasuko Myer Collection of Contemporary Asian Art. Purchased 1994 with funds from The Myer Foundation and Michael Sidney Myer through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation and with the assistance of the International Exhibitions Program / Collection: QAGOMA / © Shigeo Toya / Photograph: QAGOMA

ARTISTS: ABDUL RAHMAN, Mastura | AKIOKA, Miho | ALVARADO, Nunelucio | BOONMA, Montien | BOSE, Santiago | CAJIPE-ENDAYA, Imelda | CATTAPAN, Jon | CHANDRASEKARAN, S | CHRISTANTO, Dadang | CHEW Teng Beng | CHO Duck-Hyun | CHOI Yan-Chi | CHOU, Irene | DAWSON, Neil | DING Yi | DONO, Heri | DREW, Marian | ERAWAN, Nyoman | ERI SUPRIA, Dede | ESA, Sulaiman | FAJARDO, Brenda | HARSANO, FX | FERNANDEZ, Edgar | FUKUDA, Miran | HASHIM, Ismail | JUNYEE | KAHUKIWA, Robyn Ngati Porou | KAUAGE, Mathias | KERTON, Sudjana | KIM, Kwan-Soo | KOO, Bohn-Chang | KOYAMA, Hotaro | LAUCHAROEN, Prawat | LEE Bul | LEOW, Vincent | LI Lei | LIEW, Kungyu | LIM, Ok-sang | LLUCH, Julie | LUEMUANG, Prasong | MURU, Selwyn Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri, Te Paatu, Ngati Rehia | NALO, Joe | NGUYEN Xuan Tiep | NOBLE, Anne | OHTAKE, Shinro | OLIVER, Bronwyn | PARK, Kwan-Wook | PETYARRE, Ada Bird | PETYARRE, Gloria | PETYARRE, Kathleen | PHAOSAVASDI, Kamol | PIROMRAK, Apichai | PIROUS, AD | RASDJARMREARNSNOOK, Araya | ROMEO, Giuseppe | ROCHE, Peter | SAGITO, Ivan | SANSOM, Gareth | SATOH, Tokihiro | SHEN Haopeng | SHI Hui | SITTHIKET, Vasan | SOEDARSONO, Srihadi | SORIANO, Lazaro | SUN Liang | TOYA, Shigeo | TUFFERY, Michel | U Sun-Ok | VILLANUEVA, Roberto | WATSON, Judy | WHITE, Robin | XU Jiang | YANAI, Tsuguo | YU Youhan | YUSOFF, Zulkifli | ZHOU Changjiang

Collection artworks featured in ‘The First Asia Pacific Triennial’

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An installation view of a work installed for APT1 in 1993, with sculpted wooden tree-like structures arranged near the Watermall in QAG.

‘The First Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’

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