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‘Seeds and Sovereignty’
Mar 2024 - Sep 2024

An installation view of ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’, including works by (l–r) Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Minnie Pwerle (© Minnie Pwerle) and Evelyn McGreen and (foreground) mats by Judy Baypungala, Bonny Burarngarra, Lorna Jin-Gubarangunyja and Shirley Malgarrich, March 2024 / © The artists/Copyright agency (unless noted) / Photograph: C Callistemon, QAGOMA

Inspired by Bruce Pascoe’s bestselling book Dark Emu (2014), the exhibition ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’ draws artworks from QAGOMA’s Indigenous Australian Art collection to explore the deep knowledge and relationships Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have developed and sustained with plants and Country over millennia.

‘Seeds and Sovereignty’ included Collection works (listed below), as well as works on loan, and was on display in GOMA’s Gallery 3.5 from 2 March to 8 September 2024.


Above: An installation view of ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’, with works by (l–r) Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Minnie Pwerle (© Minnie Pwerle) and Evelyn McGreen, Judy Baypungala, Bonny Burarngarra, Lorna Jin-Gubarangunyja and Shirley Malgarrich, GOMA, March 2024 / © The artists/Copyright Agency (unless noted) / Photograph: C Callistemon, QAGOMA

Collection artworks featured in ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’

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LIST OF WORKS: ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’

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A detail view of an abstract work with purple and yellow tones.

INTRO: ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’

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