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‘My Country’
I Still Call Australia Home: Contemporary Art from Black Australia
Jun 2013 - Oct 2013

A view of Arthur Koo-ekka Pambegan Jr's Flying Fox Story Place 2002–03, installed at the entrance to 'My Country', GOMA, July 2013 / © Estate of the artist / Photograph: M Sherwood, QAGOMA

'My Country, I Still Call Australia Home: Contemporary Art from Black Australia' is the Gallery's largest exhibition of contemporary art by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists to date. The exhibition examines the strengths of the Gallery's holdings and explores three central themes — presenting Indigenous views of history (My history), responding to contemporary politics and experiences (My life), and illustrating connections to place (My country).

From paintings and sculptures about ancestral epicentres to photographs and moving-image works that interrogate and challenge the established history of Australia, to installations responding to political and social situations affecting all Australians, the thread that binds these artists is their collective desire to share their experiences and tell their stories.

'My Country' ran from 1 June to 7 October 2013 at GOMA.


Feature image: A view of Arthur Koo-ekka Pambegan Jr's Flying Fox Story Place 2002–03, installed at the entrance to 'My Country', GOMA, July 2013 / © Estate of the artist / Photograph: M Sherwood, QAGOMA

Collection artworks featured in ‘My Country’

Artwork Matinee this artwork made of Digital Betacam and DVD formats: 7:30 minutes, colour, silent, created in 2003-01-01

Matinee 2003

Artwork Owl this artwork made of Earthenware, hand-built terracotta clay with underglaze colours and synthetic polymer paint, created in 1996-01-01

Owl 1996

Artwork Owl this artwork made of Earthenware, hand-built terracotta clay with underglaze colours and applied decoration, created in 2005-01-01

Owl 2005

Artwork The Queen & I this artwork made of HD video, line animation, 16:9, 11:20 minutes, colour, stereo, created in 2011-01-01

The Queen & I 2011

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